Osteopathic Medicine

The Other Option for Health and Healing

Osteopathic Manipulation (OMM/OMT)

When your body, mind, or spirit are out of balance, you feel it. Whether the imbalance is due to life in general, illness, or being a weekend warrior, Osteopathic Manipulation is a treatment technique to restore balance to the body structure. The founder, Dr. Still, was known as a lightning bone setter and his core techniques have been taught and expanded upon since 1892. 

Today it is estimated that only 5% of Osteopathic physicians provide and use this form of treatment with their patients. Dr. Badertscher is very skilled in Osteopathic Manipulation and treats numerous patients with it. Patients sometimes mistake OMM for chiropractic manipulation, there are similarities between the two, but the range and variety of treatments are significantly different. Dr. Jan does not claim to be able to fix or provide relief to everyone, but she and her staff have witnessed amazing improvements with individuals who were literally carried into the office by family members and then walked out of the office with minimal assistance after treatment. Maybe she can help you through manipulation with your new or chronic pain.
We Offer Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine

Care for Your Whole Body

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